Friday, January 20, 2012

Top New Technologies for us

Agile Robots

A single step requires equilibrium, coordination, strength and direction. All of these factors have presented engineers designing robots that can walk with unique challenges. Enter Dynamics from Boston, which have experimented with "dynamic balance, "which allows robots to maintain balance during walking. A robot can pass through uneven and unstable terrain recently has been successfully created. This new innovation opens the way for more robotic use in emergencies or helps elderly and disabled people to perform their daily tasks and tasks. Boston Dynamics knows that robots need to be mounted before they run while the technology still in the development phase. 

Brain Mapping

For decades, neuroscientists have worked to better understand how the brain works. This ambitious task has been facilitated by recent progress in brain mapping technology. A three-dimensional atlas of the brain has been created by an international research team in the human brain project. Fifty times better than in earlier efforts is the map resolution. Thousands of brain cross-sections have been digitally assembled. The map shows details of the estimated dimensions of several human cells up to 20 micrometers in size. While this is a big advance, researchers are still trying to build a map with 1 or 2 micrometers of detail rather than 20. 

Neuromorphic Chips

Many companies around the world strive to blur the line between biological systems and creations made by human beings. Qualcomm makes significant steps with the use of Neuromorphic Chips in developing artificial intelligence systems. These chips mix neurology together with traditional technologies such as smartphone chips. Qualcomm is already testing small robotic chips which enable machines to accomplish tasks which typically require a custom computer. The chips can manipulate sensory data via view and sound so that they are not programmed explicitly. For instance, chips can predict user requirements. 

Genome Editing

In China, researchers created a pair of singes with genetic mutations. The scientists have employed a new CRISPR method of DNA technology. Scientists can modify fertilized oxen with CRISPR. In the field of biomedicine this innovation has a great impact. The ability to modify DNA in particular chromosome locations makes diseases easier to study. MIT researchers have shown interest in the study of brain disorders, such as autism and Alzheimer's. CRISPR has the potential to help researchers investigate such diseases and to identify the causes of genetic mutations. 

Microscale 3-D Printing

Many people are excited about new applications because of the potential of 3D printing technology. But there are significant limitations to current printers. Most 3-D printers have been able to use plastic until recently. New 3-D printers have been developed by a group of researchers at Harvard University led by Jennifer Lewis. Her team prints complex objects with materials selected for their mechanical properties, electrical conductivity or optical characteristics. Finally, a wider range of functions, including creation of artificial organ, will be possible by new inks. 

Ultraprivate Smartphones

As personal privacy concerns grow, especially with regard to new technology, a company based in Maryland is trying to provide an alternative. Silent Circle encrypts the voice, text and file attachment calls of the clients. Encryption prevents potential calls from being heard by eavesdroppers and protects metadata. Silent Circle has big future plans for Blackphone, including a safe smartphone. Blackphone will use both Silent Circle encryption tools and other software to secure data. 

Mobile Collaboration

The existing infrastructure for working in a professional setting can work counterproductively. This problem has been solved by new apps, such as Quip. The aim is to develop a system in which each stage of the collaboration takes place in the same digital area. The aim is to create a more intimate and collaborative experience by introducing chat features and a news feed in the form of Facebook. These new platforms seek to improve current workflow efficiency and productivity.

Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift purchased $2 trillion this spring on Facebook, and for a good reason. Palmer Luckey, kid who did not have a training in engineering, built the Rift's first prototype at the age of 16, came into being. Now 21 Luckey 's product has become a reality for immersive video games. The Rift is designed to make users feel like they're in the game world in real time by following their movements. While video games are Rift's target market, they also influence architectural design, emergency rescue training, phobia therapy, and much more. 

Smart Wind and Solar Power

The integration of sustainable energy sources into the current grid is a barrier to the mainstream use of renewable energy sources. Big data and artificial intelligence facilitated the prediction of wind turbines. The development of technology to integrate wind and solar into the power grid depends on anticipated fluctuations in power. 

Agricultural Drones

Agricultural drones decorated with cameras have been used by farmers to improve the way their crops are treated. The drones allow farmers a unique perspective that could not be provided by previously used satellite images. They help to expose irrigation issues, soil changes, and stressed plants at a considerably lower cost than methods such as crop imaging using an aircraft manned. Technological developments in GPS modules, digital radios and small MEMS sensors make the success of drones possible. These advances, together, allow farmers to improve their skills to reap higher benefits. 

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