Friday, January 20, 2012

Automobile Latest technology

Biometric Vehicle Access:
The switch from keys to keyless input and start in recent years will be followed by a switch to keyless input and start. Without a fingerprint or your eyeball (but fingerprint readers are more likely to be than retina scanners), you can unlock and start your car. Does the latest mobile security sound a lot like? This is exactly the same concept because it should. It should. 

Driver Override Systems:
This is autonomous technology, however, because it actively disregards your orders and makes its own choices. It's different. If you don't use brakes, we already have cars that stop. But by the year 2020, even if the gas pedal has been floored, cars will be braking. The rapid growth of sensor technology will drive a priority shift, giving the final word–not you. 

Biometric Vehicle Access: 
The switch from keys to keyless input and start in recent years will be followed by a switch to a keyless input, starting and starting. Without your fingerprint (or perhaps your eyeball, but fingerprint readers are more likely than retina scanners), you will be able to unlock and start your car. Sounds much like the latest mobile security? Because the concept is pretty much exactly the same. 

Four-Cylinder Supercar:
Ford had just shown a new GT supercar with a twin-turbo V6. While a lightweight V6 of more than 600 horsepower can roll traditional performance enthusiasts the wrong way, it offers world-beating performance, especially if the carboard is a light and carbon fiber body. By the year 2020, we are watching the first complete 200 mph supercar with a four-cylinder motor. 

Wi-Fi vs Li-Fi Latest Technology growing up

Light Fidelity or Li-Fi is a Visible Light Communications (VLC) system that operates with high speed wireless communications. Li-Fi uses common household LED lightbulbs to transmit data at up to 224 gigabits per second. This allows the transfer of data. Professor Harald Haas of Edinburgh University coined the term Li-Fi for a 2011 TED Talk. Haas imagined light bulbs which might function as wireless routers. In 2012, Haas then launchedpureLiFi in order' to be the world's leader in visible light communication technology' after four years of research. 

How it works
Li-Fi and Wi-Fi are quite similar to electromagnetically transmitting data. However, while Li-Fi works under visible light, Wi-Fi uses radio waves. Li-Fi is a Visible Light Communications (VLC) system, as we know today. This makes it possible to receive a light signal from a photo detector and to transform data into' streamable' content by a signal processing element. An light bulb is a semi-conducting light source that can diminish and dim upward at extremely high speeds, without being seen by the human eye, with the current of electricity supplied to a light bulb with a LED. 

For example, data are fed into the LED luminaire (with signal processing technology) and then transmitted to the photodetector (photodiode) at fast speeds (incorporated to its beam). The tiny changes when LED bulbs are quickly dimmed are then converted into an electric signal by the' receiver.' The signal is then transformed to a binary data stream which we recognize as web, video and audio applications running on the internet. 

Li-Fi vs Wi-Fi
Although some might think Li-Fi leaves Wi-Fi in the powder with its 224 gigabit a second, the exclusive use of visible light by Li-Fi could stop a mass consumption. In order for Li-Fi signals not to pass walls, capable LED bulbs must be placed throughout the home in order for them to be fully connected. Not to mention, Li-Fi requires the lightbulb to be on at all times, so the lights must be on during the day. Moreover, there is a lack of Lightbulbs, so Li-Fi has a hit in public Wi-Fi networks and there is a lack of Lightbulbs. In a message yesterday, there is a standard Wi-Fi extension and Wi-Fi. 
This new project calls for the connectivity range to double while using less power. Wi-Fi HaLow is therefore reportedly ideally suited for battery powered devices like smartwatches, smartphones and the Internet of objects such as sensors and intelligent applications. But not everything is doom and dumbness! Thanks to its impressive accelerations, Li-Fi could also make an enormous impact on the internet, transferring data to higher levels with even more devices that can connect. Moreover, due to its shorter range, the Li-Fi is safer than Wi-Fi, and embedded light beams that can still reach 70 megabits / second can be reflected off a surface. 

The future of Li-Fi
pioneers joined Lucibel in November last year, with the aim of producing Li-Fi enables products later in this year. Lucibel is a French Lighting company. The LiFlamme ceiling unit for connecting to the LED light fixture and li-flaming desktop unit that connects to a device via USB, all of which are aimed at providing the light and connectivity in a single device, already have two products on the market. Moreover, it is an interesting space for companies with faster connectivity and data transmission. The integration of the web of devices and Li-Fi offers retailers and other companies a wealth of opportunities. 

Fuel-cell vehicles - Latest Technology

Fuel-cell vehicles
Compared to electricity or hydrocarbons, furnace vehicles have long promised several major advantages. However, the technology has only now reached the stage where car companies are planning consumer launches. Initial prices are probably around $70,000, but are projected to decrease significantly as volumes increase in the next few years. 

Furnace vehicles have long pledged several major advantages compared with electricity or hydrocarbons. But the technology is only now on the verge of automotive business planning to launch consumers. The initial prices are expected to decrease substantially as volumes increase in the coming years, though are estimated to be around $70,000. 

In contrast to electric battery-powered vehicles, the long cruising range of powered fuel cell vehicles (up to 650 kilometers per tank (fuel is generally hydrogen gas), which requires only about three minutes to refill hydrogen fuel. Hydrogen is clean-burning and only produces waste water vapor, so hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles will be zero emissions. This will be an important factor because air pollution needs to be reduced. 

Hydrogen can be produced in several ways without carbon emissions. Renewable wind and solar sources can most obviously use electricity sources for water electrolyzation–even though this process will probably have a very low overall energy efficiency. The resultant carbon dioxide is also split into and sequestered from water by nuclear reactors at extreme temperatures, or produced from fossil fuels as coal or natural gas rather than publicly releasing it into the atmosphere. 

In addition to producing low-cost hydrogen on a large scale, the lack of a distributing infrastructure for gas and diesel filling stations is a major challenge. Even in a compressed state, long-haul transport of hydrogen is now not economically feasible. However, innovative hydrogen Storage techniques, like organic liquid carriers without high-pressure storage, will soon lower transport costs and ease the risk of gas storage and unintentional release. 

The fuel-cell mass market is an attractive prospect as it offers the range and fuel comfort of current diesel and gas vehicles and also the advantages of the sustainability of personal transport. However, in order to achieve those advantages the production of entirely low carbon hydrogen and its distribution to a growing fleet of vehicles, which are expected to be in the millions in a decade time, will be reliable and economical. 

Brain Can be monitor now - Latest Research Shows

Tiny electronic implants, wireless and melting in the body could help doctors to monitor the brain one day, suggests new research in rats. The scientists said the study could use similar appliances elsewhere on the body, possibly as a means of delivering medicine to specific locations. Electronic implants can now help with everything from cardiovascular attacks to traumatic brain damage. Pacemakers, for example, can help maintain a proper heart beat, while brain sensors can monitor the patients for potentially dangerous inflammation and pressure in the brain. 

However, standard permanent electronic implants can pose risks to patients because these devices can become sites of infection, researchers said. Such afflictions can trigger immune responses and result in complications associated with their surgical removal.
Now, scientists with rats developed new implants that can monitor brain activity and, just weeks following implantation, dissolve or "resorb. " " We are excited because the work is a new type of implantable electronic device with a unique key feature, total bio-orbitality, which provides many ways to improve the health outcomes of patients, "study author John Rogers, materials scientist at Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois, said Live Science. Scientists with rats have now developed new implants which can control brain activity then, a few weeks after implantation, dissolve or "resorb. " 

" We are excited to be working on this new type of electronic device, which is implantable and has one key unique characteristic–complete bioresorbability–and which provides numerous possibilities to improve patients ' health outcomes, "study author John Roger, materials scientist from Urbana-ChampaƱa University in Illinois, says Live Science. The investigators have developed silicon-based sensors each measuring about the size of a grain of rice. These devices consist of extremely thin, naturally biodegradable sheets of silicone that can record pressure and temperature — essential elements for monitoring after brain damage or operation. 

These sensors can be connected to external head-built devices, which relay sensor data outwards, via biodegradable wires made from a metallic element called molybdenum. The researchers explained that the sensors and wires dissolve completely and harmlessly in the brain and spine fluid, called brain and spinal fluid. " Such systems are capable of performing a sophisticated function in a variety of clinical practices where therapeutic or monitoring systems have been implanted or taken up and subsequently absorbed harmlessly in the body after they no longer require their function, "Rogers said in a statement. 

The sensors could continue to operate for up to three days in experiments in rats. Patients with traumatic brain injuries are typically monitored for some days after injury, Rogers and colleagues noted. The scientific experts are improving their appliances now, so that they will be able to work for a few weeks rather than a few days. 

The ultimate strategy is to have a device that is fully implanted into the brain or other organs in the body, intimately connected with the organ you want to monitor and can send out signals wirelessly to provide health information, so that doctors can intervene if necessary to prevent major problems. " In a statement, Louis said. " It will dissolve and disappear after the critical period you really want to monitor. " 

The researchers have noted that outside transmitters can still be an infection source. To overcome this problem a 0.6-inch (1.5 centimeter) wide implantable transmitter or about the size of the postage stamp has been produced that requires no skin wiring. The implant can't be fully dissolved yet, but Rogers and his collaborators have recently researched to suggest they can be completely biodegradable–the body can absorb only about 85 percent of it. 

The researchers are moving toward human clinical trials for their devices. They also plan to add even more capabilities to these implants, such as motion sensing or acidity monitoring. Moreover, "In the near future, we believe that it will be possible to embed therapeutic function, such as electrical stimulation or drug delivery, into the same systems while retaining the essential bioresorbable character," Rogers said in a statement. Future research could lead to even smaller devices, as microchips have shrunk over the decades, Rogers added. 

Top New Technologies for us

Agile Robots

A single step requires equilibrium, coordination, strength and direction. All of these factors have presented engineers designing robots that can walk with unique challenges. Enter Dynamics from Boston, which have experimented with "dynamic balance, "which allows robots to maintain balance during walking. A robot can pass through uneven and unstable terrain recently has been successfully created. This new innovation opens the way for more robotic use in emergencies or helps elderly and disabled people to perform their daily tasks and tasks. Boston Dynamics knows that robots need to be mounted before they run while the technology still in the development phase. 

Brain Mapping

For decades, neuroscientists have worked to better understand how the brain works. This ambitious task has been facilitated by recent progress in brain mapping technology. A three-dimensional atlas of the brain has been created by an international research team in the human brain project. Fifty times better than in earlier efforts is the map resolution. Thousands of brain cross-sections have been digitally assembled. The map shows details of the estimated dimensions of several human cells up to 20 micrometers in size. While this is a big advance, researchers are still trying to build a map with 1 or 2 micrometers of detail rather than 20. 

Neuromorphic Chips

Many companies around the world strive to blur the line between biological systems and creations made by human beings. Qualcomm makes significant steps with the use of Neuromorphic Chips in developing artificial intelligence systems. These chips mix neurology together with traditional technologies such as smartphone chips. Qualcomm is already testing small robotic chips which enable machines to accomplish tasks which typically require a custom computer. The chips can manipulate sensory data via view and sound so that they are not programmed explicitly. For instance, chips can predict user requirements. 

Genome Editing

In China, researchers created a pair of singes with genetic mutations. The scientists have employed a new CRISPR method of DNA technology. Scientists can modify fertilized oxen with CRISPR. In the field of biomedicine this innovation has a great impact. The ability to modify DNA in particular chromosome locations makes diseases easier to study. MIT researchers have shown interest in the study of brain disorders, such as autism and Alzheimer's. CRISPR has the potential to help researchers investigate such diseases and to identify the causes of genetic mutations. 

Microscale 3-D Printing

Many people are excited about new applications because of the potential of 3D printing technology. But there are significant limitations to current printers. Most 3-D printers have been able to use plastic until recently. New 3-D printers have been developed by a group of researchers at Harvard University led by Jennifer Lewis. Her team prints complex objects with materials selected for their mechanical properties, electrical conductivity or optical characteristics. Finally, a wider range of functions, including creation of artificial organ, will be possible by new inks. 

Ultraprivate Smartphones

As personal privacy concerns grow, especially with regard to new technology, a company based in Maryland is trying to provide an alternative. Silent Circle encrypts the voice, text and file attachment calls of the clients. Encryption prevents potential calls from being heard by eavesdroppers and protects metadata. Silent Circle has big future plans for Blackphone, including a safe smartphone. Blackphone will use both Silent Circle encryption tools and other software to secure data. 

Mobile Collaboration

The existing infrastructure for working in a professional setting can work counterproductively. This problem has been solved by new apps, such as Quip. The aim is to develop a system in which each stage of the collaboration takes place in the same digital area. The aim is to create a more intimate and collaborative experience by introducing chat features and a news feed in the form of Facebook. These new platforms seek to improve current workflow efficiency and productivity.

Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift purchased $2 trillion this spring on Facebook, and for a good reason. Palmer Luckey, kid who did not have a training in engineering, built the Rift's first prototype at the age of 16, came into being. Now 21 Luckey 's product has become a reality for immersive video games. The Rift is designed to make users feel like they're in the game world in real time by following their movements. While video games are Rift's target market, they also influence architectural design, emergency rescue training, phobia therapy, and much more. 

Smart Wind and Solar Power

The integration of sustainable energy sources into the current grid is a barrier to the mainstream use of renewable energy sources. Big data and artificial intelligence facilitated the prediction of wind turbines. The development of technology to integrate wind and solar into the power grid depends on anticipated fluctuations in power. 

Agricultural Drones

Agricultural drones decorated with cameras have been used by farmers to improve the way their crops are treated. The drones allow farmers a unique perspective that could not be provided by previously used satellite images. They help to expose irrigation issues, soil changes, and stressed plants at a considerably lower cost than methods such as crop imaging using an aircraft manned. Technological developments in GPS modules, digital radios and small MEMS sensors make the success of drones possible. These advances, together, allow farmers to improve their skills to reap higher benefits. 

Comming Up Technology in the world

Google Glass
Augmented reality in simulated experiments and education apps has already gone into our lives, but Google takes it several more steps forward with Google Glass. In theory you can view social media feeds, text and Google maps with Google Glass, as well as browsing with and taking pictures with GPS. While on the ground, you will also get the latest updates. 

That is what we really call vision, and that is absolutely possible because Sergey Brin, co-founderof Google, demonstrated the lens with skyscrapers and creative people. At the moment the device is only available at $1500 for some developers, but expect other technology companies to try it out and create an affordable consumer version. 

Oculus Rift
Virtual reality games in Oculus Rift form are here. This history- set 3D headset allows you to feel that you're in a video game. In the virtual world of Rift, with ultra- low latency, you could turn your head around and view the world in high resolution.

Prime products can do the same, but Rift wants you to enjoy the experience with only 300 dollars, and the package is even available as a development kit. This is the start of the next-generation gaming revolution. This timing is perfect, as the world is currently bombarded by Sword Art Online's theme of virtual reality, the anime-series with characters playing games in a virtual universe. It could take several more years to achieve this level of realism while we are there. Our first step is Oculus Rift .

Leap Motion
Multi-touch desktops are (miserably) failed because hands can get tired with longer use, but Leap Motion is again looking to challenge this dark area with a more advanced idea. You can use your finger to control the desktop but without touching the screen. This is not your typical motion sensor, because Leap Motion enables you to scroll a web page, to zoom in the map, sign documents and even play a shooter game with just the finger and the hand. The reliability of the reaction is the key here. More importantly, with just $70, a price of the PS3 premium game title you can have this future!

Eye Tribe
Over the years technology enthusiasts have been discussing the eye-tracking actively, but it is very difficult to implement. Eye Tribe did this, however. They have developed the technology to control your tablet, play flight simulator and even slice fruits only with eye movements in Fruit Ninja. It takes the common eye tracking technology and blends it into a front-facing camera plus an earnest computer vision algorithm, and voila, eye-cutting fruit! This year a live demonstration has been done in LeWeb and in 2013 we could actually watch this on mobile devices.

The current problem with most devices is that they function independently, and it takes effort for technological competitors to partner and develop genuinely connectable products. SmartThings is here to connect and benefit all your devices, digital or non-digital. Smoke alarms, moisture, pressure and vibration sensors are available with SmartThings to detect changes in your home and alert you via your smartphone. Imagine with this the possibilities. 

You can check who is inside your house, turn the lights on, shut the windows and the door when you get out of the house with the help of just $ 500! Feel like this wonderful tech lord in your castle.

Firefox OS
iOS and Android are great, but each has its own rules and policies which definitely hamper developers ' creative efforts. Since then, Mozilla has decided to build a new mobile operating system that focuses on genuine openness, freedom and the choice of user. This is Firefox operating system. For the rest of us it means that it is built on the open source and carries web technologies like HTML5 and CSS3. Firefox OC is built on the Gonk, Gecko and Gaia software layers. 

Without blocking the requirements of app stores, developers can create and initiate web apps; user can even tailor the operating system to suit their needs. The OS now debutes on Android-compatible phones and the feeling is great. So far. You can use the OS to perform key tasks on iOS and Android: calling friends, surfing the Web, photographing, gaming, everything on Firefox OS is possible and the smart phone market is booming. 

Project Fiona
Meet the gaming tablet's first generation. Razer's Fiona Project is a serious hardcore gaming tablet. When it's out, it'll be the boundary for the future tablets, because tech companies might want to create their own game-oriented tablets, but for the time being Fiona is the only possible one to start in 2013. 

This beast features Intel ® Core i7 processors next generation, designed to make all your favorite PC games at your fingertips. Crowned as the best manufacturer of gambling accessories, Razer clearly recognizes the ability to integrate user experience into the tablet, which involves a 3-axis gyro, magnetometer, accelerometer, and multi-touch user interface. I am ready for my body and soul. 

The way computers are done, Parallella will change, and Adapteva is offering you the opportunity to join this revolution. Just put, for everyone, this is a supercomputer. In essence, an energy-efficient computer for simultaneous and efficient processing of complex software. Even more effective, Parallella will enhance real time object tracking, holographic heads-up display, and speech recognition. 

So far, with an estimated delivery date of February 2013, the project has been financed with success. The price seems very promising for a mini supercomputer, because it's amazingly $99! For non-programmersand non-Linux users, it is not recommended, but the kit is loaded with development software to create your personal projects. I have never thought of the future of computing with only 99 dollars which can be started using crowdfunding platforms. 

 Google Driverless Car
The Google driverless car is powered by artificial intelligence which uses the input from the video cameras within the vehicle, a sensor at the top of the vehicle, and certain radar and position sensors attached to different positions of the car while the data source is still a secret recipe. Sound like a lot to imitate the intelligence of human beings in a car, but up to now the system has managed 1609 kilometers without human instructions!